About Tiny Tails Livestock
Where Little Blessings Grow Established 2009
TINY TAILS is your one-stop shop for all things furry, feathery, and fun. DLT Stables, established in 2009, began serving the public by offering pony rides and lessons for keiki of all ages. Soon thereafter, DLT Stables opened DA ZOO as an additional place for everyone from keiki to kupuna to visit and enjoy our wide variety of friendly farm animals. Naturally, people fell in love with our animals. So we thought, what better way to share the love and enjoyment of these tiny-tailed companions than to raise them for other loving homes. Thus TINY TAILS was born!

My Story

Hello! My name is Gina Hohlfeld. I was born and raised in NE, Ohio. Early in my career, I struggled to find my passion and feared college due to the expenses. I pursued every field I was even remotely interested in to pinpoint which direction I wanted to pursue. During COVID, at the end of 2019, I found myself working in title and escrow as an intern. Along with all the other “non-essential” workers, I was laid off at the beginning of 2020. With the stay-at-home order put into effect, my mental health took a massive turn in the wrong direction. Growing up outside, I knew if anything could heal me, it would be nature.
In March, after two months of staring at the same four walls, I was desperate to do anything that would get me out of the house. I found a local show barn for English riders and was hired to muck stalls. The first day I knew that even though it was nothing I had ever done before, I knew it was ‘home.’ It didn’t matter HOW much physical work I put in, I felt accomplished by the end of the day, and then suddenly, work didn’t feel like work anymore.
At the beginning of 2023, I moved to Oahu with an amazing job opportunity to work with more than just equine. In February of 2023, I got to witness the first goat being birthed, and my passion for animal caretaking grew tenfold, and my motivational fire grew bigger. I knew THIS was exactly what I wanted to invest my heart and soul in as a career. Since then, every step has come with challenges, but the challenges keep getting more fun! Since being here, I’ve had the pleasure of assisting with multiple foalings, from tortoises to horses. Now, I believe that it’s time for me to start my own journey. Here lies the beginning of Tiny Tails!